Policy Center
The building sector is facing a “silver tsunami,” with millions of older workers in construction, engineering and other skilled trades retiring and not being replaced by younger workers.
In addition, the increasing complexity of green building systems means that traditional vocational training programs need to evolve to make sure that students have the skills needed to compete for jobs in the marketplace. Without a well-trained workforce, it will be difficult if not impossible to transform America’s buildings.
Preparing people for jobs in sustainable building has the twin benefits of increasing economic opportunity and making dramatic improvements to America's building stock to In particular, supporting and strengthening apprenticeship programs in every community—especially in underserved communities with higher unemployment rates– will fuel the building sector with the skilled workers needed to build, retrofit and operate the buildings of tomorrow.
At a time when we’re facing higher unemployment due to the pandemic, as well as a climate crisis, this is the ideal time to help workers train for jobs in clean energy—and help workers in traditional energy jobs for careers in clean energy.

Policy Ideas
Energy Efficient Public Buildings Act (H.R.1993)
Directs the Secretary of Energy to provide grants for energy improvements to certain public buildings, and for other purposes.
GREEN Building Jobs Act of 2021 (S. 832)
Amends the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to fund job-creating improvements in energy and resiliency for Federal buildings managed by the General Services Administration, to enable a portfolio of clean buildings by 2030.

Energy Efficiency: America’s Job-Creation Powerhouse
EESI andE4TheFuture discuss the growing number of Americans employed in the energy efficiency sector and what it means for our economy and our environment.